
Colectivo de profesores departamento de idiomas

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 Names and last names   

Teaching Rank  

Teaching subjetcs


MSc. Teresita Rojas González

Associate professor

English IX and X

Head of department

Msc. María de los Ángeles Reyes Figueroa

Associate professor

English IX and X

Head professor

MSc. Iliana  M. Ávila León

Assistant professor

English I and II

Head professor

Lic. Dora Águila Morejón

Assistant professor

English I and II (Nurses)

Head professor

MSc. Sandy Henríquez Villafruel

Assistant professor

English IV and V

Guidance counselor

Lic. Viviam Batista Pérez

Associate professor

English VII, VIII, IX and X

Head professor and guidance counselor

Lic. Sarah León López

Assistant professor

English I and II (Nurses)

Regular teacher

Lic. Raziel E. Martínez Cisneros

Assistant professor

English IV, V, IX and X.

Head professor and guidance counselor

Lic. Leydis Isaac Suárez

Assistant professor

English III, IV, VII, VIII.

Head professor and guidance counselor

DSc. Eduardo Garbey Savigne

Associate professor

English I and II (Nurses)

Regular teacher

MSc. Maribel Pridas Reinaldo

Associate professor

English III and IV

Guidance counselor

DSc. Diana J Herrera Santana

Full professor

English III, IV, V, VII

Regular teacher

Ana Olga Tejo Aguilera


English I y II

Guidance counselor