
Language Department Web. Academic year 2015-16

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  • user warning: Table 'cache_page' is read only query: DELETE FROM cache_page WHERE expire != 0 AND expire < 1719977046 in /srv/webinfomed/uvs/includes/ on line 169.
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Language Department  Web. Academic year 2015-16 


Dear colegues and students:

This web page has been designed with the purpose of supporting the teaching-learning process of the English discipline taught at the different specialties of Medical Sciences. The materials published at this page will help teachers and students achieve their professional and pedagogical goals.


 General Information

English Discipline Program

English Staff


Postgraduate courses:

English for Professional Purposes

Methodological Activities:

Task-based teaching and learning: Introduction

The use of teaching aids in the teaching learning process of large classes.


Basic English Literature

Vision One Vision II   Vision III 

English Through

Medicine 1

 English Through

Medicine  2